Women's Day Event: DATATHON & WAITALK
In conjunction with International Women’s Day, WAI APAC proudly brings you WaiDATATHON & WaiTALK, with the theme “Combat Domestic Violence with Data & AI”. Subtheme of the event is “AI for Mental health”.

Combat Domestic Violence with Data & AI
Date: 13th Mar 2021
Time : 12 PM to 6 PM GMT+8
Venue: Virbela (Online Platform)
Sponsored BY


10:00 Sponsors Booth open
11:30 Auditorium open
12:00 Launch of IWD WAI APAC
12:05 Opening Remarks by Angela Kim, WAI APAC Lead
12:10 Opening keynotes by Annie Mathew, Director in APAC Developer Relations of Microsoft
12:40 WaiDatathon Opening
12:50 WaiDatathon Pitching Competition
15:00 WaiTalk Opening
15:05 Talk 1: Understanding Domestic Violence by Mary, Gender Specialist of UNICEF India
15:25 Talk 2: AI for Gender Equality - Why promoting diversity & inclusion can reduce domestic violence? by Fang Chen, Executive Director Data Science, University Technology of Sydney
15:45 WaiTime: Women, AI & The Power of Two Together!
16:30 WaiDatathon Awards Ceremony
16:50 Closing Remarks
17:00 Networking session
Dr Fairoza Amira Hamzah
WaiDatathon Chair
Devica Verma
WaiTalk Chair